I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Finally I started to work on my JTL articles. I mean today I started to post them online. I did only few of them but it is important that I started doing it. And if I do at least few of them every day then I will eventually catch up and be up to date with them.
Then I also should mention that I do more sport. I do it at home with the fitness equipment that I have. There are 2 things that I want to achieve with it. First I want to break through the laziness and procrastination without any element of external motivation. It is purely my decision to do the exercises. And once I establish regularity in my exercises then I will go to the gym. Believe me that there is a big difference in doing exercises at home and in the gym. In the gym there is a point with external motivation. Secondly through doing my exercises at home I want to see how effective I can be in building the muscles and strength. For many people it is difficult to go to the gym after long hours at work. So this would be a solution for them. And I want to be able to recommend it to my clients. But I will only be able to recommend it when I do it myself. I want to be the living and practical example. Though as I said I will also go to the gym once I establish regularity with exercises at home and I break through the procrastination.
It is interesting that there is not much work. It could be related with the cold weather. But for now there is no reason to worry about it.