I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I have no idea what I could write about.
I start to do more exercises. That means that I am breaking from the stagnation. Within this it is interesting that I do not have any external motivation to do it. There is not emotional goals which would make me high. I am silent and I do it just because I have decided to do so. And it is the hardest thing to do for most of the humans. Yes... doing something as a result of a decision which is not based on emotional charge but as a self-decision. As I said I do more every day but I am still not at the optimum where I would like to be. But this does not matter. I move forward every day.
Today I had a short moment when I could see and feel that the things in me are changing. It was interesting that this was just a short moment. But in this moment I could clearly see that what I am doing ( meditation, changing my thinking etc.) is changing my life. It is a process though and I need to stay focused and continue doing it.
I do not know what else I could write so I will finish it here.