I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And yet another day without work. But tomorrow I have already appointments.
Lately I have frequently moments when I feel sweetness in my chest around my heart. And it feels nice in those moments. But then I want to just lie down and embrace this feeling. This ends up that I usually fall asleep. And I am wandering what this means because in the end I am sleeping many hours ( 8-10 ) when I sum up night and day !? I would associate this sweet feeling with love ( the sweet love ) but I am not sure what to think about it in this moment.
And again I had another incredible meditation after which I feel peace, tranquillity and empowerment. This is becoming something constant and I should use it to stabilise myself in the difficult moments. Today I had one of these moments. I did not know what to do with myself because inside of me was inquietude. I still have some of it but during the meditation it calmed down. I interpret this feeling with the dissembling of energies inside of me and transformation process. This is the moment that I already know from the past and this is the moment when I have failed many times because instead of going through it, I did some silly things to suppress it. But I am learning to simply accept it as something positive and walk through it although it feels like hell.