I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is fascinating to observe the process that I am going through with the positivity. It the beginning I was excited about it and it was rather easy to keep the focus on positive thoughts. Then I was also under the effect of being empowered through reading the book. But as the time passes by this effect of being empower and excited has got dull. There is less and less of external motivation and I feel like I have to do everything alone. I understand it perfectly and so I prefer not to have the effect of being empowered through external sources. OK... it is really good to have it because once we get stuck in our process then it really helps. But as I said I already know it and I prefer to not go into this point. I prefer to find the motivation inside of me.
And so right now I am at the point when the effect of external motivation wore off. I observe that almost every time when I go to do the meditation I have to push myself to do it as I do not feel like doing it all. But then it is really interesting that once I push myself and I do with 100% of my engagement then I really feel the effects of it. I feel really empowered ( self-empowered understood as empowerment that comes from within me ) and positive. I know that this is the right way to go and I just need to be disciplines, consistent and persistent.
Before I finish I want to point out the extreme importance of the moments "I DO NOT FEEL LIKE DOING IT". Usually this indicates some kind of resistances within us ( usually it is ego ) and if we do get ourselves to do this thing that we do not feel like doing then we will make some important break through in our process. Do not get fooled by the feelings and emotions.