I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have to say that I am impressed with the progress with my experiment with the positivity. Today was easier to do it as I did not have to work and I stayed at home most of the time. And so I could dedicate my time towards my experiment without many distractions.
So what do I do exactly ?
First of all I do regular meditation at night during which I focus on my goals and positive things that I would like to do in my life. Then during the day I spend also relatively a lot of time on this positive thinking and I smile a lot. This thing with the smiling was for my unusual in my life. I was very often serious, sad and immersed in my thoughts. Now I realised that I am the source of my happiness and so bring this happiness from within myself. And I simply smile. I does not matter what I do or what I would like to do. This happiness and smile is independent on anything outside of me. I am the source of it and I decide when and how much I smile and how much happy I am. This is a great realisation in my life.
Now I am also wandering what else is going to happen with this positive thinking. Normally we may have positive thoughts and be positive according to the teachings from the books and our society in general. But the reality is that we have some positive thoughts but for most of the time we have a lot of negative thoughts in our subconscious mind or in our conscious mind but we do not notice it. And we have this constant negative chat in our mind. I do not have exact statistics but I am certain that the sum of negative thoughts dominates greatly over the sum of positive thoughts in 24 hours period. And this applies to people who are already aware of the positive thoughts. Those who have not come across this teaching are even worse.
Anyway having such a great imbalance of negative thoughts over positive thoughts, it should be of no surprise that people are struggling with their lives as we are creating a lot of problems and negativity.
This is what I have learned from the books and now I am testing it on myself. I want to see what is going to change in my life when I change my thoughts and the positive thoughts will dominate over the negative ones in the period of 24 hours. Of course 1 day is not going to be enough to see the difference so visibly. So I want to continue with it for about 3 weeks. It is a challenge but because I already have some visible results ( smiling a lot and being happy ) so it will be easier for me to continue with it.