I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And so this was another easy day. A little bit of work and a lot of time for myself. I read a little bit of book. I had some sleep in the afternoon and I did more of my mental exercises. I trying to see what would happen if I reduce the number of "negative" thoughts versus "positive" thoughts. By saying negative thoughts I mean that is the nonsense thinking that goes on in the mind and by positive thinking I mean the thoughts that I aligned with my goals etc. It is a challenge but because I work less these days so I can try to do it.
Apart from this I had a conversation with a "friend". He calls me friend but he carries a certain judgement about me. So it is interesting to hear him talking about friendship but having this judgement at the same time. And today I pointed it out to him. Maybe he finally understands it. He wrote short message so maybe he did. We'll see.
I do not know what to write apart from this.
Now I will finish it here and I will do my meditation exercise. I keep discipline with it and I do it every night. I want to keep it this way as I see benefit from doing it regularly.