I am catching up with posting online my articles.
2 days ago I wrote about somebody who works a lot without any day off and today I met another person who is working excessively. So I guess this is a general problem in our society and there are many people out there who's life is centered around work and money.
I forgot to write yesterday that I sent my ex a box with her things that she left in my house. And that means that we are definitely finished although lately we had more communication and I was hoping that maybe we could get back together. But then during our last conversation I realised that we have conflicting goals in our life and in how we see the relationship and that there is no possibility to find a constructive solution. So I decided to definitely finish and let any hope of coming back together. And because our conversations are not productive at all so I will also stop communication with her for some time. It is not that I have any resentment or feelings of hate towards her. It is that we don't do anything together and our conversations bring quite often disagreements and misinterpretations of what is being said and done and we are not effective in finding a constructive solution. This a decision based on physical facts.
I am really pleased with the progress with my meditation exercises. Though I need to catch up with physical exercises as I am still not as effective as I would like to be.