I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I heard the story which was difficult to accept.
Thus I started to ask my client about his life style to pinpoint the cause of his pain in the body. He was saying that he is very busy at work as we are in the middle of the high season and he does not have time to done anything for his body ( e.g. exercises, stretching etc. ). Ok... I could understand that he does not have time to do exercises for 1 hour in the gym or go for a run 5 times a week because I went through a similar situations in my past.
Anyway I continued to ask more questions because I suspected that he is simply lazy and he just makes excuses. But what came up was that he works 7 days a week 12-14 hours a day. This is during the high season which lasts about 7 months.
So what about the off season ?
Not in the season he ONLY works 10-12 hours a day. But still this is 7 days a week. I could not believe it but he does work every day of the year about 10-14 hours a day. Only sometimes he takes holiday. But not every year. And then he only takes 1 week although he could have 48 working days free from work.
When I heard it I could not believe it. But in the end this is his life. I guess I should say: This is his work !!!
And you know what else ?
He does not even work for his business. He works for somebody and he does not even get that much money for it. I do not know how much exactly but he said that this is not that much.