I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had an easy day again. A little bit of work and the rest time was for myself. Today is very interesting as I feel profound tranquillity. First of all this is because I do not have much work and I can spend my time at home easy and relaxed. And secondly this is also the result of my regular meditation, sleep, rest, exercises, positive thinking etc.
Now there is a challenge to maintain this state. I could call is "state of bliss". I am joyful and happy.
Why this is the challenge ?
In the past when I was in a similar state and started to get more energy in my body and in general. And having lots of time for myself and excess of energy I was falling into the temptations of wasting it through doing senseless things like computer games, watching porn and masturbating etc. So I need to stay focused and not allow myself to repeat the same mistakes but instead continue to build up the energy and continue to maintain this state. And then I will see where it takes me. Because this is something unknown. As I said I was wasting my energies and I was giving my power away through this. And I do not know what it is like to maintain the power and get into the state of having even more energy and power.
I already know intuitively and from the books where it should take me but I also know that there are these temptations do give this power away and fall into the powerless human victim mode. So this is an experiment. Oh... when I wrote the word experiment immediately there came to me that was already doing my experiments with positivity in the past. So this is another approach. And then I know from the past that the challenge will come in the moments of weakness when I am tired from excessive work etc. And thus if I manage those moments of weakness then I will be able to get through this whole 21 day experiment.
So I guess this is the start of 21 day experiment with positivity. And I guess I should start doing planning as this makes it much easier.