I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The days are passing by. I had a lot of ambitious projects like opening the healing center, provide course about self-healing etc. and I do very little about it. I have more time for myself and I spend it at home doing my things. But then this thing with doing my things comes to doing very little. I am not as effective as I used to be and I waste a lot of time on not productive things like watching films, starring at the computer, sleeping. Maybe I need this period of laziness to recover from very intensive work in the last couple of years ? But then there comes also the point of disappointment with other people who were supposed to work with me in the center. And of course there is also the disappointment with people ( patients ) who are not so keen on being helped with their sickness.
Anyway... I do things at a slower pace. I am not as efficient as I used to be but I am not lazy. I do things. I still move forward. I have not given up. I still want to do my projects and I know that I will do it. It will be just a matter of time. So everything is fine.
What else ?
Well... I guess there is not much more that I can write today. So I will finish here.