I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So today I had a day off. It was cold day today so I stayed at home. I did some things around the house. I was not so effective but I did something.
I also had a conversation with my ex. It was rather difficult conversation. By saying difficult I mean that there were topics, which brought on tears, emotions and conflict. But we managed to stay on the phone without hanging up in anger and we decided that we will continue tomorrow or after tomorrow.
Apart from this I do not know what to write.
In the last year I ate much less fruits according to the recommendations of another therapist of natural medicine. According to his theory the fruits are full of toxins ( pesticides etc. ) and they are not as healthy as they being promoted in our society. Anyway I reduced the amount of fruits in my diet in the last year. But lately I allowed myself to go back to eating more fruits. I will do now a test with my medical instrument to see if my values have gone worse as a result of eating toxic fruits.
So I did the test and my values are stable. My heart is not making improvements though. There is a line which goes too high. Last year in May or June I started an experiment trying to bring my heart's ECG into the optimal shape. Now it has been already 7 months and there is no change. Well... the fact is that I have not been completely dedicated and consistent with my experiment so I am not surprised that there is no improvements.