I am catching up with posting online my articles.
My sleep is getting completely out of control. I slept over 8 hours last night and then I also had about 1-2 hours sleep during the day. What do I do about it ? Well... I continue pushing forward until I find the solution to get rest with less sleep.
Apart from this I had a day off and I managed to spend some time on the beach today. It was nice. In the end this is winter. But this was a nice and warm day.
Then I also did some cleaning around the house. I still need to do more but at least I get some big things out of the way. And I already feel better. Maybe the mess in my house was related to my tiredness !? I observed it in the past. Not that my house was so dirty or messy but still there were things lying there and there waiting for few days to be cleaned and organized. Anyway... as I said I already feel better. But still this is not the fix to the point with sleeping a lot. I need to push myself there as well.
And here probably there is also the point with doing less exercises. I do something at home but I do not go to the gym. So moving out of the stagnation here should also change things with the sleep.
We'll see... the most important is that I start doing things and I do not allow myself to fall further into the trap of excuses and procrastination.