I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And again I am facing the point of not knowing what to write. I had a busy day and obviously this keeps me away from doing other pending tasks. But then the job is the priority as this gives me money for the survival in the system.
Last night I wrote about pushing myself to get up with the alarm. This did not work last night. I fell into a deep sleep and I slept about 8 hours. I do not remember if I heard the alarm and I switched it off.
It is getting late. I left the article as the last thing of the day. Now I am tired and it is difficult to write anything.
Lately I have not been going to the gym. It has been probably about 3 weeks since I went last time. But before that I was already not so regular with exercises because of excess of work. Now I am kind of struggling to get myself back on track with it. Anyway I will start again this week. But then I have to mention that I do some exercises at home. It is not that I am completely lazy. Though I see an element of laziness and procrastination.