I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had a rather easy day but still I was busy with doing things. It was not the day when I would have all the time for myself. I become more and more concerned with the point that I am behind with my JTL articles. They accumulate every day and I don't do anything about it apart from writing about it.
And again I do not know what to write.
My meditation exercises are steady in the evening. But in the morning I am not so regular and stable. The reason is that for example today I overslept and I had to rush to work. But then the problem was that I started to do my exercises while lying down in bed and I fell asleep. So this is the main reason for failing in the mornings.
So what do I do about it ?
Hmmm... not sure what to do. Because I had periods when I was strict with getting out of bed with the alarm. But then I ended up being tired. And lately I did not want to be tired and I decided to allow myself to sleep longer. But with this decision I see that I am not effective with my exercises. So I guess I have to become strict again and be disciplined with my exercises because then there might be a chance of breaking through the point with tiredness. Well... if I did effectively breathing exercises then possibly I would be able to generate more energy to compensate for sleeping less. I guess this is the only option that I have. At least at this moment.