I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I was able to maintain my discipline with doing my mental exercises in the last 3-4 days. It is just 3-4 days and I already feel the power of it. I see more stability and easiness in doing it and I feel more empowered. So this is really cool.
Not sure what to write any more.
Today I had a day with couple of appointments. I did not feel like working today but obviously I had to do it as the appointments were taken few days ago. I had couple of hours of break between the appointments so I allowed myself to have some sleep in between and recharge my batteries. This helped a lot. And although in did not feel in the morning like doing any work today I am pleased that I did. I did a very good treatments. But tomorrow I take a day off. I have already rejected some inquiry for a treatment tomorrow. I need to spend time in the nature and this is top priority.
I guess that will be all for tonight.