I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Crap... this time my techniques which helped me many times to stop the symptoms of cold did not work and I had to go through the pain of cough and the mucous coming endlessly from my nose.
But then I cannot say that my techniques are completely useless. Today I used the trick with relaxing my brain and stopping the thoughts and within 10-15 minutes I was able to breathe freely through my nose. Later my got stuffed again with the mucous but still there was a proof of the effectiveness of my techniques ( to some degree ).
I did not work today as I was not able and so it will be that I take off in the next 3-4 days. I do not remember when was the last time when I had some mane days of sick leave.
Anyway it looks like I made the mistake with working so much yesterday when I was still recovering and I fell back. And now I pay the price for it.
To be continued...