I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had rest yesterday and I felt much better today in the morning. And so I worked like in a normal day. And I was ok for most of the day. But towards the end I started to fall back into the cold symptoms. It was probably because it was too much today and then I was also hungry and I felt back into the sickness. Now the symptoms are stronger than yesterday.
Tomorrow I planned to work as usual. Most probably I will have to cancel my appointments especially because this is again a lot of work for tomorrow. Or maybe I just cancel 1 appointment. We will see. I still have the whole night to heal myself.
What I observed today is that I am not so accelerated with thoughts in my mind. And thus slowing down my mind is not really that helpful in stopping the symptoms. I will try to do it again after I finish this article.
This is it for today.
To be continued...