I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is very later again. I got involved with the investing. It is simply easier to do it at night. It is also interesting that today I reached my goal which I set myself couple of weeks ago. The goal was a certain amount of money that I wanted to earn through investing. And today I reached it in the morning. I was very happy about it. But then the things went the other way and I was again off my target.
At first I was disappointed with the fact that I did not sell my assets before they started to fall. But then this disappointment has directed me towards looking at the point of why I have not sold it. And then I also asked myself why am I given something ( the goal is this something given to me ) and then it is taken away.
And then there came a realisation. Thus it is not possible that something is taken away from. It can be only taken away if it is not me. Literally that means that I have to become one with something ( in this case it is my goal ). After this realisation I was more at easy and I got focused again.
Guess what ?
Later at night I reached my gaol again. I sold my assets because they were falling down further nad I made profit with other assets.
So this was an interesting day with interesting realisations.