I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a surprise phone call from my ex. And it was interesting that we managed to have rather stable conversation. And then there came for me a realisation and better understating of our issues that we had in our relationship. It is cool to know it now. At least I am at peace as I know that we were not able to have effective relationship as there was the point with opposing interests and goals. Anyway... it is over now.
I do not know what to write more.
I had a rather easy day at work. This element goes the way I like. I attend my clients and I have enough time for myself and my things. And now having more time for myself I want to improve as well other elements like sport, dancing and my mental exercises. These last 3 elements have been somehow suspended or I do them not regularly as I used to do them before.
Sleep is completely out of order. Not that I cannot sleep. It is just that I sleep much longer than I wish for. My target would be 4 hours or less. And now I sleep up to 8 hours. I have days when I sleep 4 hours but then this creates imbalance in my life and I end up being tired. And later I have to catch up with the sleep. At the moment I do not know how to improve this element. Well... I know that this is not my top priority. Though I know as well that if I improve this element then I will also be more effective with other things. And I would have more time for myself.