I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And so I had my first day off. Nobody called me so I did not have to reject any clients. I had a day of peace. And I really enjoy being at home and doing the things that I want to do.
I am writing this article relatively early. It is not the last thing for the day done in the last moment before sleep. I just want to be done with it. Apart from this I want to lie down in my bed and have a short nap. And I do not want to take the risk that I wake up in the morning without doing my article.
As it happens quite often lately, this article is about writing just to write and fill up the paper with some words. It is that I do not know what to write. I still have 1 year and 4 months of writing. It is incredible that I have already gone through so many days of writing.
Now... this JTL stands for Journey to Life. So does it mean that I am more life now ? That I become life ?
Hmmmm... I do not know how to answer it. I still do not know ultimate reason for doing it. But it does not matter. It is all about the principle of fulfilling my commitment.
Last night I did not manage to get up after the short nap. I ended up sleeping until late morning. I will try to do it better today.