I am catching up with posting online my articles.
In the end I needed 2 days to recover from the tiredness. But it is also that I had to work today a little bit and I did not have time to catch up with posting online my JTL articles.
Apart from this I see that I work more and more with healing ( self-healing ) and showing people how they can improve their health with basic elements like breathing, correcting the posture, exercises and nutrition. One day I would like to give course to bog groups of people and this what I do now with individual clients is a preparation for bigger events in the future.
I was hoping to have more time off this week but it might be difficult. For example tomorrow I have my day filled up with appointments. We will see... I will intend to at least reject inquires from new customers. But I have to work with my regular clients.
Today I had a conversation with one of my colleagues who was part of my/our project and I regarded her as the strongest link and support in it. Unfortunately there came again the point that she expects me to do things for her while she maintains her comfort. And for me it is important that those who participate in this project understand that they are doing it for themselves and others ( what is best for all ) and for this to succeed they must give 100% into it. And that means that sometimes we have to do things which we do not feel like doing. And when I communicated my point of how I see it she got upset and she left which was only a confirmation for me that she cannot be part of this project although I thought that she would be the strong element in it. I see that drop from the project has something to do with her relationship. I do not want to judge her or anything like this. It is just a statement that the relationship made her to change and compromise some of her values which does not allow her to become part of this project.