I am catching up with posting online my articles.
My day today was not so intense with work but still I was busy with other work related things. Now it is getting late and I do not know what to write.
Lately my exercises are not done efficiently. The efficiency is very low. I do something but this is very little in comparison with what I used to do before. And again it is not that I could not have done better. I did not keep my discipline. I have to say that I did not keep my absolute discipline. I wasted some time and then I got out of the routing with doing my exercises.
The good thing is that I have covered almost all of my expenses for the month and I am certain that will be able to save up some money. Thus I may get more relaxed now when it comes to the finances. Of course I do not like that this messes up with my exercises and hobbies but then this is only temporary and once I have more money saved up I will allow myself to work less and dedicate more time to my exercises and experiments.
The measurements of my medical instrument are getting stable. And today I was also able to compare them with other people who also use similar nutritional program. And it looks like my values are better than theirs although they have been following this program longer. I would say that my progress is related to my better breathing techniques. So it looks like I was right about giving so much importance to breathing and training myself to optimize it.
I just did another measurement. It is late at night and normally the values should be lower than during the day. But my values are very stable and good. So it looks like my body has cleaned the toxins from the omega 3 and it is back to stability. I think I will try one more time to take the omega 3 supplements to see if that changes ( lowers ) my values. I do not want to do it but then I am a therapist/scientist and it would be good to do this experiment so that I may share it with other people.