I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I did not consult my ideas with my friend but anyway I got an important realisation in regards to reading of the pendulum. Maybe I should not use the word realisation as this is something that I learned already in the past. It is just that I somehow left it in the background and I did not use it.
Thus there are couple of important points when it comes to the use of pendulum as a form of communication with the body in relation to health. Thus the person doing the test for somebody must be healthy. If I cannot heal myself first then obviously I cannot heal others. This is the first very important point which quite often is being missed.
Another important point is that before doing the test I should align myself with the highest best for all and universal equality.
These 2 points are extremely important. Thus I will apply them whenever I use the pendulum myself. And tomorrow I will do some test on myself in regards to the supplement of omega 3. I stopped taking it and I see already that my readings on the medical instrument start to get better. My body responds relatively quickly because I have been taking the supplement for a short time of few days and thus it is easy to clean it quickly. In any case I will continue doing my tests every day to see the progress. And once my measurements get better then I would like to start taking the omega 3 again and see if the story with heavy metals repeats itself. I want to make sure that there were not other elements influencing my readings.