I am catching up with posting online my articles.
A friend of my mine did some tests on my with use of pendulum. According to these readings there was a weakness in my heart and veins. On the physical level the pendulum indicated that there is a deficiency of omega 3 in my body.
Thus I started to take this supplement to support my body. It was interesting to see that already on the 2nd day I felt better and I had more energy although I worked until late. That was really cool because lately I worked a lot and I was a bit tired. And as a result of these tiredness I slept much longer than usual.
I decided to listen to the advice of my friend although I had a concern that the omega 3 supplement, which is obtained from the fish oil may be polluted with mercury. This is a well known fact among many therapists that the oceans are polluted with mercury and aluminium which obviously later gets into the flash of the fishes. And thus a supplement obtained from the fish is also filled up with these heavy metals.
Although I use the pendulum and others similar methods of communication with my body I had my doubts about the omega 3. But then I also have my medical instrument which allows me to detect the accumulation of heavy metals in my body. And so I decided to try with this supplement.