I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am very busy at work and this is my primary focus. Basically it all comes to work and getting enough rest. Well... I am also focused on getting good nutrition because this was the point that got me in trouble in the past. Then I did not eat good and not enough I the process of tiredness was much more accelerated.
Anyway... I work a lot but I manage ok so far. I till have some times off in the morning tomorrow and I try to go to the nature if the weather is good.
What else ?
There is not much apart from this.
Now it is getting late and I want to be done with my article.
I am still behind with posting online my articles. It is similar to last year situation when I was lagging behind for over a year. It was very painful later to catch up with it and now I do not want to repeat the same mistake. Hopefully in the next 2 weeks I should have more free time and then I should catch up with it.
I finish it here.