I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I try not to work over my limits. But still I am working at the edge of my limits. And my agenda is full for the next few days. And this is not normal for me. If there comes any urgent work ( because of my responsibilities related to contracts ) I will have to do it but that is already over my limits. I plan to have a day off the day after tomorrow but this is also questionable if I will be able to do it. I know that this load of work is temporary so I will do my best although I so not like it.
Now... the thing that is obvious is that this excess of work creates turbulences when it comes to my projects, hobbies etc. It affects my regularity in doing my exercises. I make some progress and then it stops or it goes backwards ( e.g. exercises at the gym ). But then I could not say definitely that it is not possible to handle better the situation with the excessive work and tiredness. There is a point to improve and I should work on it.
Another point related to excessive work is the sleeping. I sleep much more than usual. But I do not push myself to sleep less. I take rest and wait till I get over the busy work period.
Now... obviously I could work less. I would simply have to say no to some clients and then I would have more time. But then there is the point of money. I wanted to use this opportunity to put aside some money. Yes... money is the motivational factor behind it. Not in everything but still it is an important element in making the decision.
So now it is late and I go to sleep.