I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had a busy day at work today and now I feel tired. Thus I will continue with my article about the porn tomorrow and now I will write something easy. Hahahaha... easy to say but not so easy to write. When I am tired I do not have any motivation for writing and thus now I do not know what to write.
It is getting late and should finish it as soon as possible and get rest because tomorrow I have another intensive day.
I think I work a little bit over my limits. And I do not take enough days off. I had couple of days off lately but they were dedicated to recovery from excessive tiredness. And I could not fully enjoy them as a day off.
But then this is a very busy time of the year and I allow myself to work a little bit more because I expect that soon there will be less demand and I will have rest then. We will see.
I need to finish it here and go to sleep.