I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is very late now. I am getting tired and I do not know what to write.
Today I did some work and I had some nice time at the beach. This is much more harmonious way of living. I am glad that I have more and more time like this. Now I am at the middle of the high season and thus I have excess of work but still I manage it much better than in previous years.
Today I was looking at the point of investing. I wanted to be at computer to watch the stock and invest if I saw something interesting. But because of work I could not do it. Then I went into the gym and on my way back I was thinking that it is fine that I invest but at the same time I do not want to be bound all the time to the computer. I want to have more freedom. And I want to invest in such a way that I have my freedom.
So this was cool realization. I hope I explained it well. I just want to have my free time and be free from thinking that I must get home as soon as possible and watch/control what is going on the stock market. Sometimes this is necessary but not all the time. Because otherwise I will rethink if I want to continue to invest.