I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had couple of waves of pain in my tooth. And it was interesting in the afternoon. The pain was very strong but within myself I was saying that there must be a way to deal with this pain and there must be a way to heal the tooth without the dentist. I talked to my body saying that it knows how to heal the tooth. I was confident that my body can do it. I rinsed my teeth with water mixed with few drops of tee tree oil. This rinsing was helping to get the pain away for few minutes. But then it was coming back. I was worrying about the point of how I will do my work. I had appointments in the afternoon and in the moments of pain my body was feeling somehow weak.
Anyway there came another wave of pain. I talked all the time to my body that it can deal with it and heal my tooth. Then I decided to talk to the pain. I said:
Hey you !!! Is this all that you have !!!
In my words there was determination and it was almost like a fight with pain. I rinsed my teeth one more time and I started to get ready for work. It was interesting that the pain was not coming anymore. I would not be surprised if the pain came later during the work. But it did not. And I did not have any pain since then. The only thing is that the tooth is more sensitive to touch with my tongue. Before it was not.
We will see how it goes. My plan is to seek the way to heal my tooth by myself without the help of the dentist.