I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a major toothache. The pain was so intense that I felt like my whole body is getting weak. It is Saturday so I could not go to the dentist even if I wanted. But still in this situation my body does not tell me to go and see one.
Anyway I went home and I started to do my mental and relaxation exercises. I hope that I will be able to heal my tooth myself. But now I have no more margin for procrastination. This is the top priority and I have to apply absolute discipline when it comes to doing my exercises.
I have asked my body ( with the kinesiology technique ) if there are any emotions that I should look at but it does not indicate involvement of any emotions. At least not at this stage.
Later I had pain again. It looks like the pain comes in waves. Now it is quiet. But also the point is that when I have pain then I have the tendency to touch it with my tongue. And this only aggravates the pain. So I have to stop myself from doing it.
Now... am I doing something crazy ? Because you'll know... I do not go to the dentist. Well... I have been before in the situations when my body was at difficult situation when it comes to health ( case with my skin 5 years ago ) and made the decision to not go to see help of the doctors. And I will try to do the same now. I will use my experience in dealing with this type of situations and I focus on self-healing.