I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Sometime in the middle of July I started to trade on the cryptocurrency market. I had some moral doubts about the investing but then I have decided to give myself the period of 3 months ( stating in August ) and test if this is something that could be beneficial for me and for all.
The 3 months period finished in the beginning of November but I did not write anything about it then. In any case today I had some thoughts that I should stop with this investing as the benefits are not equal to the time and effort that I have put into it in the last 3 months. I had some profit which was much better than keeping my money in the bank but as I said the effort was much greater than the benefits from it.
And so I had thoughts today about stopping it. But then something interesting happened. In the period of couple of hours I made some significant profit. And I asked myself the question about what is going on in here. I wanted to give up but then I got the sign to continue.
But you know what ? This is not just about making some money profits. I have learned interesting things about myself. I have discovered that I have some emotional issues related to this topic ( e.g. fear, self-worth, doubts etc. ). And I am learning how to transform these points. Thus I will continue to investigate this point especially because I got the sign today.