I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I have wasted some time but it was allowed. Yes... I allow myself from time to time to waste some time on whatever I want. The discipline is good but it is ok to waste some time sometimes.
Apart from this I do not know what to write.
Here I have the question, which I actually asked myself yesterday.
What would happen if I did not waste the time ?
There is something which I call "I do not know what to do with myself" when I work on the transformation point within me. But there is also a point when I struggle to keep concentration and this is a different type of sensation. I noticed that this sensation comes when I do not ejaculate for some time. I would say that there is stagnation of liquids within the body ( in this case sperm and maybe some other hormones ) and this stagnation provokes this weird feeling in my head and lack of concentration. Anyway today I masturbated and I ejaculated. Thus tomorrow I should be more concentrated and get back to my exercises and discipline. Now I go to get rest.