I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Although I did not start "officially" an experiment with positivity ( like I did last year with 21 days of positivity ) I am doing it. Last year I failed and I could not keep up and finish the whole 21 days because I was so busy with work and through the tiredness I failed to do all of my exercises related to maintain my positivity. Anyway this time I am more disciplined and there is almost no time wasting activities. There is still something but it is much less. Though still I am being faced with the temptations to do something silly. But then it is all up to me to make the decision to either follow the tempting thoughts coming from my mind or stay focused and do something in line with my goals. It is so simple yet I have failed so many times on this point and I have given my power away to the temptations and later I had to face all the consequences related to it.
In any case the solution to most ( if not all ) of our problems lies in not allowing ourselves to follow the destructive temptations and instead stay focused.
Is it possible to stay focused all the time ?
Yes... it is... though this requires some effort in the beginning because right now we have the habit and pattern of giving our power away and we have to break it through. We have given it our power and now it has its own speed and momentum. But the moment we stop giving our fuel to it, it will eventually stop. And then we have the chance and opportunity to create what we really and truly desire.