I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is getting late and I do not know what to write.
Today I had a conversation with my ex. It was nice to see that we could have a stable conversation. And then it was also nice to hear that she is making some profound changes and realizations in her life. So far it looks like the decision to separate was best for all from the point of view that we were not able to transform points together and we are doing it now separately. So it is all good.
Apart from this I do not know what to write.
My days are rather slow. But still I am behind with posting online my articles. I have plan to wake up earlier than usual and do some work on the computer. Otherwise I see that it is difficult to do things with my unpredictable work routine. But also I have to mention that I manage to do my physical exercises regularly. I am disciplined about it. I still want to improve it though. My meditation exercises are also regular but again I want to improve it.