I am catching up with posting online my articles.
In the morning I had a rather important realization but I do not remember it now in the evening.
OK... I remember it now. It was about me starting to understand the purpose of me writing my JTL articles. And I have been asking myself this question many times before. Because you'll know... I write them and I do not think that anybody else is stopping by and reading them. So it seems that I do something without purpose.
Thus by doing it day by day for 7 years I prove to myself the integrity behind my words. I have taken a commitment in 2012 that I will write my articles every day. In the moment of making this decision I was aware that I will have to do it every day no matter what. The only thing is that I did not expect that this would be so difficult to do. I am not saying that this is difficult to do every day but I have moments of struggle and doubt. But I do it. I still have long way to go but I want to do it. I commit myself to do and to finish this task. I am certain that I will understand better and more the reason and the purpose of writing my articles. But anyway that is the realization for today. And I find it very important one.