I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is an interesting realization. I cannot say that I have made this discovery today as I have been looking at this point already for some time. Though today this point became more clarified.
Thus in the past I had the point when I looked sad. And many people were telling me this quite often. Now I see that one of the main reasons of my sadness was that I am very ambitious and I was setting myself very ambitious goals in my life. And because I could not reach them in the moment thus I was sad. But I managed to achieve one of my goals I was happy and joyful. Unfortunately this sadness has been up for a very long time and obviously it started to be part of my whole being-ness.
Anyway I have been looking at this point of sadness for some months now. And finally it came to me that it should not matter when I reach my goals, I can be happy and joyful right in this moment. I realized that I am the source of the joy but in my case I make my joy being dependent on outside circumstances ( reaching a goal ).
Thus from now on I stop making my joy being dependent on something and I make it as an independent expression. Thus now you will see me smiling and being joyful more often.