I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I did some work with my clients today but later I have wasted a lot of time on silly things on the computer. It looks like I have the mechanism/pattern when I need to fall down as I find my motivation then to do the things becasue I feel guilty. This is happening not the first time but I also have to mention that it has been already relatively long time since the last similar situation.
In the end the fall is the fall and the question is whether I learn something from it or I will need to fall again before I finally learn not to do the same mistakes.
Anyway... It is very late now. And I do not really know what to write apart from this.
Well... I think I should make a plan of my day because then I will be able to be more disciplined !!! Without it there is nothing to compare to say if I am disciplined. ANd on this plan I should have some dedicated time when I allow myself "to waste some time on silly things".
This is a great idea. I think that going back to planning will help me to get myself out of stagnation in my life.