I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Definitely there is a change in my life. And it is visible in the pace of my life. It is much slower. I do not rush trying to do many projects at the same time. I do it when I can. I do it when I have time. I do not accept any new responsibilities unless I am ready for it. But at the same time I see that I am not as effective as I can with my projects. Well... this would be different if I did not have to work. Anyway I am doing my things and although I do less than I used to in the last couple of years I go forward with the only difference that I walk at a slower pace.
I do not know what to write anymore.
Ahhh... this is the realization for today. Very important one !
Thus I was cleaning my house and then I realized that first I need to secure the foundations and only then I can build the walls on it.
In the previous years I wanted to do many things. I took on myself many responsibilities and tasks. In the pursuit of reaching my goals and achieving financial stability I did not have time to do basic things of life like cleaning my house, my car etc. I was not giving it so much importance and gave all my priorities and I dedicated my resources ( time, energy etc. ) to achieving this goals. But not cleaning my house was creating imbalance in my life. I wanted to do it but at the same time I did not have time and energy and it was not my priority.
Anyway today I came to the realization that first I secure that my foundations ( cleaning of my house, car and other basic things of life ) and only then I will take on my other tasks and responsibilities according to what I can do in any given moment. In this way of doing things I will not have any more stress and imbalance and I will enjoy doing the other things, projects etc.
Such a simple realization but yet such a profound one.