I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Posting online of my JTL articles is falling back again. But it has been so busy at work for me that I ended up being burned up and I could not do anything about it. Today I had an easier day and I allowed myself to sleep more and I feel that I come back to myself. I feel stronger and I want to do things, my projects etc.
Though I do not know what to write in this moment.
I see like my life continues somehow falling apart. I think I wrote about it already. Anyway this is not something negative. It is just that the old is falling apart to make the space for the new. Yesterday another person decided to go from my life. Anyway we will see where this will take me. Now I remember that I wrote something about it already.
What else ?
Well... I think I have to put stop to working so much. I mean... I do not do it all the time but then there are moments ( due to seasonal nature of my work ) when I am overloaded with work and the consequences of it are that it brings imbalance into my other aspects of life ( exercises etc. ). This is going to be a challenge but I will try to do it.