I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is interesting because I work a lot and I am very tired after work. And normally I have the tendency to do silly things like wasting time senselessly in front of the computer. But in the last 2 days I pushed myself to do something different. And although I was tired I got myself to clean and tidy my apartment. There were few things waiting to be care of and now I did it despite being tired from work. And I feel good about it because now it is done and I do not have to think about it anymore.
When it comes to my work I am very busy. My agenda is rather full in the coming days. I tried to give some work to my colleagues but it was not possible. Thus I will have to do it myself. It is good from the financial point of view but in the idealistic world I would take at least 2 days off before I would accept any new appointments.
Apart from this the pressure from my colleagues to do something for them ( help them to get more work ) is still there. Although I have brought some clarity with one of them pointing out clearly that she needs to take more responsibility for herself in terms of finding work.
My JTL articles are still waiting in the queue to be posted online and it will be this way until I have more time for myself.