I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And so this was another day when I did some work and few other things. My day was filled up with things but it was not so crazy like it used to be in the last couple of years.
I had today a conversation with my partner and I decided to say that I want to finish our relationship. We are simply not making any progress. We are stuck as partners. We do some movement when it comes to the individual processes but we are not doing things together as partners. And I do not think that I will go back so easy with her into relationship. I would love to but there is no progress and I see that this is the decision which is best for both of us because it will give us space to work on our processes individually. We took a break twice when we did not talk for 3 weeks each time. But this was also not enough. So this time I see necessary that we stop the relationship completely. This will cut any type of expectations from each other and we will have to rely completely on ourselves. I mean... this thing with relying on ourselves in our own process should be always there but unfortunately people in the relationships make the mistake and become in a way dependent on their partner. And I saw this also in my relationship. And now this element will be taken away and it should direct us into relying on ourselves.
Now... I was even considering if I should keep a friendship with my ex-partner. Here I have clear understanding that as long as we are able to maintain good friendship without blaming each other for the break-up and we do not continue to have senseless discussion of the mind then all is it ok with me. The same if I see that my ex-partner does not suffer and she takes the responsibility for her life. Then we can be friends. Why not ?