I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday I did something that I could call "half fasting". I planned to have a day without food but then I decided to eat something small. In any case today I had no food. I only took the mineral supplements and 2 cups of coffee. When I did myself the measurement with my medical instrument my values were much better than yesterday ( especially my heart ECG ). This is already the 2nd time when the fasting makes significant change in my measurements. Thus the conclusion is that my body (especially the digestive system ) gets rest and the body is using the resources for healing of other organs. Thus I will need to consider to do it regularly or maybe even do some experiments with eating once or twice a day instead of 3-5 times a day.
Now... it is not just the measurements that are better. I also feel good in my body. I had one or 2 moments of weakness but in general I feel really good. The caffeine shots ( from coffee ) are more noticeable than on the normal day but I do not think that it will affect my sleep tonight. Now I will make myself another measurement.
I just did a test with my instrument while running. The running itself is a bit more difficult than on a normal day when I eat but the measurement is almost the same.