I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And there comes again the feeling of not knowing what to do with myself. It is kind of annoying but at the same time I am glad that it happens because for me that is the sign that I have activated the process of changes. I just have to go through and not make the same mistakes from the past.
Apart from this I had an easy day and I do not know what to write now. And I do not feel like writing at all.
My car got broken and I have to fix it tomorrow. I decided do fasting today but then I changed my mind and I decided to eat but very little. I should do myself the test with my medical instrument and see how my body responds to it.
I see that my results are rather ok but I do not make any progress with improving my heart. I started an experiment in May trying to improve my ECG and then I made some progress. But in the last couple of weeks I did nothing about it. I guess I should get back to it.
I do not know what to do with myself. I have great temptation to do something silly to stop to calm down the energies that move in me now. The way to go is to breathe and hold on and I know that eventually it will calm down. But for now I have the temptation to "treat the symptom" by doing something silly - play computer game, waste time on the computer, masturbate, watch porn etc. Basically anything that would calm down the energies. But this time I will not do it. I choose to breathe and hold on through it.