I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And so is my last day of these short holidays. I did not want to go but in the end I am glad that I did it. I would not mind to extend my stay here but then I know that I should go back and get back to work on my projects and experiments.
One of the most important realisations from this few days was to be in the moment and allow myself to enjoy the moments instead of being in the mind and think about the future and worry about e.g. money etc. Well... this is the realisation and now I need to live it practically and see it with time effectiveness of it. Of course I am almost 100% sure that this is the way to go but then I live the rule that I need to prove it through physical and practical application to be able to say that this is true.
Another point that is coming through to me is pay more attention to words that I use. I mean that I want to try to be specific and take care of the words that I use in my daily life. Until now I took the point of "wording" easy but now I start to realise that this is something very important.
Lately the point with doing my mental exercises 2 times a day has been a little bit less effective. I do them but I see that before I was more effective. Thus I want to go back to the routine which I saw is more effective.
Now I am in the airport on my way back home.