I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So I had another nice day free from work. I see that I have more and more days like this and I really enjoy it. This was my wish and now I live it practically.
Today was also interesting because I we went relatively late in the afternoon for a walk in the mountains. We wanted to reach a certain point and we needed to rush. But on the way back I realised that this is not enjoyable. I was in the middle of the nature but I was rushing down to get back to the car. And so I decided to slow down. It was getting dark but I allowed myself to stop and listen to birds and the sound of the water flowing down the mountains was very pleasant and relaxing. I could not stay there longer because it was getting dark but still I allowed myself walk slower and look around. And this was part of the point with enjoying the moment about which I wrote yesterday.
Now I sit in front of the fire place watching the play of the flames. This is fascinating. It is so simple but yet amazing.
So I just need to be more aware of those little moments in my life and enjoy them. They are there all the time and it is just that I rush to do things and try to get things and I lose those wonderful moments in my life.