I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I went for a business trip. Well... it is a business mixed with pleasure of short holiday while visiting a neigbour island. Anyway the day was dedicated to travel and having business meetings. In the evening I had a chance to make a fire in our house. You'll know... making a fire may seem like something completely normal and not even worth mentioning in my article. But then the reality that this is not something that normal. I do not remember when was the last time when I had a chance to do something like this. Anyway this simple and "normal" thing was something that was very nice to do. Starting the fire was a challenge but this was also fun to do. And then gazing at the fire. Afterwards I went outside to the terrace and I did another "simple and normal" thing. I lied down on the hammock and I stirred at the stars. Here there is not so much of street lights around and thus it is possible to see really good the stars. I know that I already wrote an article about gazing at the stars in the mountains but again this simple and normal thing is so amazing that I must write about it again. In the end it is not something that I do every day. As a matter of fact I do it very seldom.
Anyway it was really nice evening. Well... it could be nicer if I could relax my mind and delete all the thoughts about the wrong decision about the investment. I was trying to do my best but I could not stop these thoughts. I was sad and disappointed because I had so much hopes that I would be able to do certain things in my life thanks to the profits from the investments. Now I go to sleep because it is late and I am still not at peace. I will try to do something about it now.