I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus I could not reach my friends on the phone because I was dialing a wrong number. I understand that this may happen in our daily life but still I should feel guilty and responsible for this whole situation. But I am not because I looked more at the whole situation and I see more things that contributed to the failure.
And here is what I saw.
Thus the day before I called my friends wanting to tell them about details of the reservation in the restaurant but they were busy. That is fine but then they did not called me back. As I said before I tried to call them the next day but I dialed wrong number.
Normally I would send my friends a Whatsapp message as for me this is the most reliable form of communication here on the island but then I was told by their colleague that they do not use this form of communication. In reality they do. But this was not a coincidence that their colleague told me that they do not use it. And he told me this before I even got to know them. Thus I see that this whole failure with the anniversary dinner was somehow "preprogrammed". I will try to find out later where was the origin of it all.