I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had a rather busy working day. I planned to have a day off but in the end there was no option for making an appointment tomorrow. But I am content. I got a good injection of money into my pocket. And it was needed.
I do not know what to write anymore... I am sitting in front of the computer being stuck.
It was cool that I wrote something with the "substance" in my last 2 articles. But unfortunately today it is "just to write something" as I am completely blank.
Today I had a consultation with a person who does not make progress in his treatment. It was a patient of my colleague but I was asked for assistance as I have more experience. Despite doing sports this person had a rather weak lungs. I immediately suspected involvement of some emotional issues. I said it openly but we did not discuss it more as the client had no willingness to share it with me. Anyway I was told about it by my colleague after we finished consultation. And then I realised that I am more and more confident in my assessments. And that is cool because about a year ago I was at the point of not knowing what to do and doubting myself. One of my colleagues whom I regard as one of the best therapists in Europe stopped working with me around that time and I had no more support. But now I do not need it. I am very confident to help and assist people in self-healing in regards to almost any dis-order in the body.