I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have to say that reading this book was very effective. But then I realized some time later that I use somebody else's energy to feel myself better. Because if I can feel better and more stable from reading somebody's book then what is stopping me from doing it as myself ?!
I realized that sooner or later reading of the book will not be effective anymore.
I realized that sooner or later the effect will "wear off".
I realized that sooner or later I will have to face myself and transform this point within myself as myself.
Do not understand me wrong. There is nothing wrong with reading this book to learn about somebody else's perspective and experience on how to transform certain points quicker and easier. I just want to point out that we can become dependent on feeling better in the difficult moments through reading some motivational or inspirational books. But in the end it is all about realizing my own responsibility and my own capacity to transform any points. It is so simple.
You'll know... reading the book is just one way in which we use somebody's energy to make ourselves feel better. Another method to so would be through direct contact with another person. And humans have this tendency. We use our family, friends, partners etc. And again there is nothing wrong with asking somebody for assistance in difficult moments. But this cannot become dependency or addiction. We have to always remember that we are responsible for our difficult moments in life. We have created them. And thus if we are able to create them thus we are also capable to un-create them and instead create something different ( more harmonious and more enjoyable moments ).