I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is a very interesting realisation that I made today. Maybe I thought about it already few days ago but today it got clear to me.
Thus in the last couple of weeks I wrote in couple of my articles something about collapsing the energy. What I meant through it was that the old energies which were "creating" my life until now, were falling apart as I decided to create something new. In this falling apart or maybe it was the new energies I felt like do not know what to do with myself. And in this process I did some silly things which were kind of re-establishing the old order. Then the situation calmed down.
Anyway I insisted on the change through continuing doing my mental exercises and the situation repeated itself later. I do not know whether this was the second or third time but I decided to read some spiritual books to get myself stabilized in my "I do not know what to do with myself".